Western Express Day #4 Sapinero, CO to Ridgway, CO
Western Express Day #4 June 4, 2021 Sapinero, CO to Ridgway, CO - 68 Miles Start 5:48AM, Finish 4:28PM Ride Time: 6:06 Ascent: 4249' Descent: 4455' Tour Total Miles: 261 Details at: https://cyclemeter.com/3f1ef27914a4c684/Cycle-20210604-0548-20204 I slept so-so stealth camping behind a small utility building on the outskirts of Lake Fork Campground and overlooking Blue Mesa Reservoir. It was rather warm when I went to bed last night, but cold when I awoke in the morning. I heard trucks rambling down the highway all night long. My alarm was set for 5:30AM and I woke up at 5:20AM. I did a quick pack up and needed to get on the road as soon as possible. There was no condensation inside my tent and I was able to roll it up and stick it into my rear pack. I blew off the aloe and chamois butter regimen. I was now at level three. The sinks and drinking fountains didn’t work at the campground, and the reservoir would have been too cold for me to have taken a dip. It was a steep climb j...
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